- Does the fruit husk had eaten? ? 水果削皮吃好吗??
- Is the fruit anteprandial had had eaten or eaten after the meal? 水果是饭前吃好还是饭后吃好呀?
- Does the fruit eat much weller? Why? 水果吃得多好吗?为什么?
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- Does the rate include the fruit basket? 包括果篮吗?
- What does the fruit that contains selenium element and zincic element have? 含有硒元素和锌元素的水果有哪些?
- The mice have eaten away some of the wood-work. 老鼠把一些木制品给啃坏了。
- The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or pickled. 该植物的果实,可以生吃或腌制来食用。
- We have a maid to do the housework. 我们有个女仆干家务活儿。
- The next day after he had eaten the fish Jim came out in spots. 吉姆吃了那鱼的第二天,身上起了许多红点。
- He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差劲了,我只好亲自重做。
- The child has eaten three platefuls of porridge! 这孩子已经喝了三盘粥了!
- They netted the fruit trees to protect them from birds. 他们用网覆盖住果树以使其免遭鸟害。
- He vomited all the food he had eaten. 他把他吃的食物全都呕吐出来了。
- They have begun to do the prevention of crime. 他们已经开始防止犯罪行为。
- I have eaten next to nothing since morning. 早晨以来我几乎什么也没吃。
- Half the fruit crop froze out in the sudden cold. 一半的水果作物在突如其来的寒流中被冻死。
- Our holiday has eaten into the money we saved. 我们度假耗费了一些积蓄。
- The fruit is prepackaged in plastic tray. 水果用塑料盘预先包装。
- It took a long while to do the work. 做这个工作花了许多时间。